What to Expect: Onboarding

You've checked your eligibility, you've created a Kaia Health account and now, you're ready to get started—woo hoo! Let's talk through what you're going to see when you first interact with the Kaia app.

You're going to be greeted with an initial questionnaire, or onboarding process. This should only take about 5-10 minutes, and will help us in creating your personalized therapy plan. These questions will be related to things like your previous pain management strategies, any outstanding conditions that might affect your therapy or where your pain is residing currently

Once you’ve completed your onboarding, you’ll be able to explore all the Kaia app has to offer, including our Movement Exercises, Relaxation Sessions and Education Modules.

Take a minute to say hi to your in-app Coach as well by clicking into the Kaia Care tab 👋

Happy training! 

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