About your movement assessment

Your movement assessment includes two exercises: a squat and a toe reach. We use the camera in your device to see how well you move during these exercises. Your results help us deliver the best care and track your progress over time.

Understanding your results

Squat Test

The squat is used to help assess mobility and strength. Your results will include two key measurements: knee bend and trunk lean. 

  • Knee bend measures your range of motion to see how deep you can squat. The deeper you can squat, the better.
  • Reaching at least 90 degrees of knee bend can ease daily activities like sitting, getting in a car, and picking up groceries. Additional squat depth is helpful for activities that involve lifting and bending. 
  • Trunk lean measures your ability to maintain control during the squat. Leaning forward occurs when your body needs to compensate to squat lower. The less trunk lean, the better.

Toe Reach Test

The toe reach is used to help assess flexibility. Your result will include one key measurement: forward bend. 

  • Forward bend measures your range of motion to see how far you can reach forward without bending your knees. The more forward bend, the better.
  • Reaching at least 90 degrees of forward bend can ease daily activities like putting shoes on, walking, and taking the stairs.
  • Additional forward bend is helpful for activities that involve reaching, stepping, and lifting. 

Your results may vary and it is normal to experience fluctuations. You can reach out to your health coach if you want to discuss your results. 

Why are mobility, strength, and flexibility important?

Mobility, strength, and flexibility play an important role in pain management and daily activities. 

  • Mobility refers to the ability to move freely through a full range of motion. Good mobility in your joints can reduce wear and tear and promote better posture. 
  • Strength refers to the ability to support and stabilize the joints. Stronger muscles can reduce the load on your joints and improve muscle balance. 
  • Flexibility refers to the ability of your muscles and tissues to stretch and lengthen. Good flexibility can help reduce muscle tension and improve joint function. 

How can I improve my results?

Your exercise program has been designed by Kaia’s clinical team to help improve mobility, strength and flexibility. We recommend completing at least three sessions per week. Improvements to your assessment results can take time and it is normal to not see change right away. Your health coach is here to help you develop strategies to stick with your plan and reach your goals.

If you have any questions about your Kaia program, or your assessment results, reach out to your health coach from the Kaia Care tab in the app.

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