Contact the Kaia Health Support Team
Our support team is available to answer any questions you have and our goal is to get back to you as soon as possible. Please allow up to one business day for a response from us as we do respond to questions in the order they are received.
Reach out to the Kaia Support team here:
You can also reach out to our Support team through the Kaia app following the steps below:
- Click on the Settings tab
- Select Help Center
- Add a subject line and write your message
Click the blue send icon on the bottom-right
Help Us Help You
Depending on your type of question, we may need some basic information to best help. Review the question topics below to see what information would be helpful to give us when you reach out:
Account Creation
- Your full name
- Date of birth
- Employer name
- Insurance provider
- Are you a current employee?
- Start date with employer (month/year can work here)
Seeing an error when signing up? What is the error? Screenshots are helpful
Login Issues
- What error are you seeing?
- If you forgot your password, have you tried to reset it? See: Reset your Kaia Health Account Password
Send over a screenshot of what you see on your end.
App Bug/Error
See this guide: Troubleshoot an Error Message
- Where in the app would you like to see this change?
- How would this change help you achieve your goals with Kaia?
- Provide as many details as possible
Although we cannot guarantee changes based on feedback and feature requests, we greatly appreciate knowing how we can make Kaia better for our customers and consider feedback when working on our product roadmaps.
- Provide as many details as possible
- Screenshots are always helpful.