Choosing Your Preferred Language

You can easily change the language displayed in Kaia. Step-by-step instructions below are based on the app version you're currently running. Not sure what version you're on? Find out here.

Android or iOS app version below 2.109.0

  1. Click on the Settings tab
  2. Select General
  3. Select Language
  4. Choose the language you would like displayed in the app
  5. Click Save

iOS app version 2.109.0 and above

  1. Open the system Settings app
  2. Scroll down and select Kaia
  3. Select Language

    If you do not see this option, update your system settings first

  4. Choose the language you would like displayed in the app
  5. Open  Kaia app
  6. Confirm your selection by clicking on the dark blue button

Update your System Settings

If you are on iOS and can’t see Language option at step 3, you first need to add Spanish or German language respectively to your system:

  1. Open the system Settings app
  2. Select General
  3. Select Language & Region
  4. Select Other Languages…
  5. Select Spanish or Deutsch
  6. Confirm by selecting Keep English or "Change to Spanish" or "Change to Deutsch"
  7. Repeat the steps described above to change the application language

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